When I click your link I get a glimpse of the real listing, and then in redirects me to the book. 😵 Crazy stuff! 😌
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
neat blue dog
Ok, thanks for showing me. I don't know why when I click the same link it brings me to the book listing 😲
Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
neat blue dog
And from his website:
Check out the auction on Ebay for Larry's Harley. Click HERE for the auction. -
Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
neat blue dog
No, on his official Facebook page he specifically said he was selling his motorcycle, and it also made the 'news' section of his personal website. I don't think they'd make a big to-do about a repair manual.
How many anointed have come and gone; how many remain?
by Moster injust wondering if there is any data about how many anointed there were in say 1914, and considering most would have passed 'beyond the veil' already, are the jw's numbers adding up?
we know there are more in 2017 then there were in 2016, but just where are we in the grand total column?.
neat blue dog
Good topic. Someone who's good with math, (i.e. not me), should be able to apply general population growth and death figures to come up with a rough number of individuals. Not sure how. You know the GB knows, but they're not sharing it.
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Larry Graham's motorcycle
by neat blue dog inso i was browsing through larry graham's official facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on ebay.
the auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:.
"clymer harley-davidson sportster evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, hardcover)".
neat blue dog
So I was browsing through Larry Graham's official Facebook page, and one of the posts was that his motorcycle was for sale on eBay. The auction already ended, but you can still see the title of the listing:
"Clymer Harley-Davidson Sportster Evolution, 1991-2000 (2000, Hardcover)"
Not only are are they calling it a hard cover book written in 2000, but it's listed under nonfiction books.
Is this some dishonest way to get around some laws, fees and/or regulations . . . Or just a really incompetent eBay seller?
The wife told me I think too much...
by James Mixon inplease tell me how not to think too much and get a good night sleep.
when i was a jw i didn't think too much because i knew everything, but now my mind works overtime.
how in the hell can i shut it down and stop the anxiety???
neat blue dog
What if I'am wrong and they are right (JW's lol)
James Mixon, I had very similar feelings from about 2014 to 2016, before I went full PIMO. Right now despite my situation I feel greater peace and control than ever before, including when I was all in, but those two years of internal struggling we're terrible. Although I don't suffer from mental illness it was probably the closest I've felt to being schizophrenic. There was my JW self and my 'apostate' (real) self and it was so draining just to sort through facts and feelings. It would keep me up at night and distract me at meetings, it would make me have mood swings. I know you'll work through it, but hopefully it's sooner rather than later. You can make it.
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Watchtower Releases 2017 Grand Total Figures!
by darkspilver in2017 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 90. .
number of lands reporting: 240. .
Merry Christmas
by jhine inas non of you scrooges seem to want to wish anyone else merry christmas , l thought that l would drop in and wish you all .
merry christmas , happy holidays , feliz navidad , joyeux noel , and throw another shrimp on the barbie sheila .
why did the turkey want to join the band , because he had the drumsticks , boom boom .
neat blue dog
But back on topic:
Santa asked, "What's that noise on the roof?" Mrs. Clause replied, "That's the rain, dear."
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